On April 12th, 1961 a Soviet Cosmonaut named Yuri Gagarin rode to the Skies in a Vostok space capsule and circled the Earth three times before landing safe in the steps of Kazakhstan. The world was in awe, the US in shock. Only a month later, the new US president raised the bets and asked congress for funds to send a man to the Moon, before the decades end. This volume covers the US moon program from its inception to the first US space station – Skylab
- Saturn I – The Forgotten Rocket
- Saturn Ib
- Launch Complex 34-37
- The Milkstool
- Little Joe II
- Saturn V
- The Crawler
- Apollo Era Astrovan
- Lunar Roving Vehicle
- Mobile Quarantine Facility
- M116 Astronaut Rescue Vehicle
- Helicopter 66
- Skylab – America’s First Space Station