LEGO Designer:
Allan Jordan (Drscoop)
January 2020
Launch Vehicles, All, Space Agency - Roscosmos, Super Heavy Lift Launch Vehicles
The Energia Buran project was created at the beginning of the seventies to counter the American shuttle. Indeed, the American shuttle was seen by the Soviet leaders as a formidable military asset, so they decided to create one. This program was the most ambitious project of the history of the Soviet space conquest. During 18 years, more than 1 million people in 1286 companies and 86 ministries and departments directly worked on the project. The greatest scientific and industrial center of the country took part in it. Unfortunately, the total cost of the program (16.4 billion roubles in 1992) definitely ran out of steam the wavering economy of the USSR, the project was finally stopped in 1993 due to lack of credit.
Although very similar by its appearance with the American shuttle, the laws of physics are the same ones for all, the space shuttle Buran (“Буран” in Russian means “Snowstorm”) is entirely of Soviet design, from the mechanics to the electronics. Thus, many differences separate this 2 orbiters, here are some: the Buran shuttle have a higher orbital and de-orbital carrying capacity, its 2 engines at the rear enables it to fly during the re-entry in the atmosphere, it is equipped with a more powerful heat shield, but the main difference is that Buran can fly in automatic mode without any pilot on-board, from the takeoff of the rocket to its landing on the tarmac.
The launcher Energia (“Энергия” in Russian means “Energy”) whose development started with the Buran project was not conceived only for it. It was planned to be used, with the shuttle, or with other loads, placed on the side (like Polyus) or in the nose cone. Energia is part of a very modular launcher family based on same technicals characteristics wich allow them to be complementary. This modularity was made possible by the addition of auxiliary booster rocket from 4 to 8 all around the rocket, and by a more powerful and ecological liquid propellant (oxygen and hydrogen) instead of N2O4/UDMH as it is used on Proton launchers. In its maximum configuration (8 booster rockets), the payload that can be put into orbit could reach the 200 tons.
Designer Notes
The Core booster for the Energia, Energia-M, Polyus and Buran models should have flexi tubing along the core stage but Stud.IO and LDD would not let me add these. A pearl dark grey 75c23 and 75c32 should work, but might require trimming. These should be flexible enough to work. Or search the web for “Lego compatible pneumatic hose” and similar tubing can be bought by the metre – the outside diameter is a little different so the attachment point on the nosecone might require some modification? Similarly, the vertical pipes on the side boosters are 3mm hosing, but can, I understand, be replaced with 3mm PVC rods obtainable from various hobby or craft stores…
This has evolved significantly from my old v3 Energia Buran system. Significant thanks and credit are due to the following:
- Sunder59 for the original Energia-Polyus outline design.
- KingsKnight/Andrew Harkins for the US 1:110 shuttle design that influenced the Buran design and the Energia Core tank nosecone design.
- David Welling for significant improvements to the Side Boosters for stability, and Florent Todeschini for the inspiration for the upgraded nosecones.
- Sebastian Schoen for the Polyus model, the Buran-T nosecone design and for the inspiration to re-design the core section from a 6×6 stud core to a more accurate 5×5 stud core.
** UPDATE [23/01/21] **
It’s been fantastic to see the interest recently in building versions of my Energia-Buran design. However, it has rather put a demand on parts such as the 2×2 pyramid, part no 3688. This was never released in a set in white, so was always expensive (~£5-7 per part), but the used stock is pretty much gone and new bricks, when available, are selling for >£45 a part.
As an alternative, how about 2x3678b, plus 2x 3069a. Also, the black, length 7 axles in the side boosters are now selling at around £10 per part, whereas the LBG version are pennies. This part is not seen, so easy to swap.
These two quick fixes will knock >£100 off the total build cost.
Part count: 2133 bricks, 244 lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | 26.0 | 68.0 | 29.1 |
Centimetres | 20.8 | 54.4 | 23.3 |
Inches | 8.2 | 21.4 | 9.2 |
- Complete Model
- PDF Instructions
Pay what you feel
This digital model is provided free of charge. However, if you like it, and you would like to thank the designer for their time, please consider a donation of your choice. 100% of your donation will go directly to the designer.
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The Core booster for the Energia, Energia-M, Polyus and Buran models should have flexi tubing along the core stage but Stud.IO and LDD would not let me add these. A pearl dark grey 75c23 and 75c32 should work, but might require trimming. These should be flexible enough to work. Or search the web for “Lego compatible pneumatic hose” and similar tubing can be bought by the metre – the outside diameter is a little different so the attachment point on the nosecone might require some modification? Similarly, the vertical pipes on the side boosters are 3mm hosing, but can, I understand, be replaced with 3mm PVC rods obtainable from various hobby or craft stores…
This has evolved significantly from my old v3 Energia Buran system. Significant thanks and credit are due to the following: Sunder59 for the original Energia-Polyus outline design. KingsKnight/Andrew Harkins for the US 1:110 shuttle design that influenced the Buran design and the Energia Core tank nosecone design. David Welling for significant improvements to the Side Boosters for stability, and Florent Todeschini for the inspiration for the upgraded nosecones. Sebastian Schoen for the Polyus model, the Buran-T nosecone design and for the inspiration to re-design the core section from a 6×6 stud core to a more accurate 5×5 stud core.
** UPDATE [23/01/21] **
It’s been fantastic to see the interest recently in building versions of my Energia-Buran design. However, it has rather put a demand on parts such as the 2×2 pyramid, part no 3688. This was never released in a set in white, so was always expensive (~£5-7 per part), but the used stock is pretty much gone and new bricks, when available, are selling for >£45 a part. As an alternative, how about 2x3678b, plus 2x 3069a. Also, the black, length 7 axles in the side boosters are now selling at around £10 per part, whereas the LBG version are pennies. This part is not seen, so easy to swap. These two quick fixes will knock >£100 off the total build cost.
Part count: 2133 bricks, 244 lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | 26.0 | 29.1 | 68.0 |
Inches | 8.2 | 9.2 | 21.4 |
Centimetres | 20.8 | 23.3 | 54.4 |
No external URL provided.
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
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