LEGO Designer:
David Welling (Luxordeathbed)
December 2019
Launch Vehicles, All, Apollo Program, Medium Lift Launch Vehicle, Space Agency - NASA
There were 4 Saturn I Block I Launchers.
SA-1 was the first flight of the Saturn I space launch vehicle, the first in the Saturn family, and first mission of the American Apollo program. The rocket was launched on October 27, 1961.
SA-2 was the second flight of the Saturn I launch vehicle, the first flight of Project Highwater, and was part of the American Apollo program. The rocket was launched on April 25, 1962.
SA-3 was the third flight of the Saturn I launch vehicle, the second flight of Project Highwater, and part of the American Apollo program. The rocket was launched on November 16, 1962
SA-4 was the fourth launch of a Saturn I launch vehicle and the last of the initial test phase of the first stage. It was part of the Apollo Program. The rocket was launched on March 28, 1963.
All four rockets were launched from Complex 34.Saturn I Block I vehicles (SA-1 to SA-4) were guided by instruments carried in canisters on top of the S-I first stage, and included the ST-90 stabilized platform, made by Ford Instrument Company and used in the Redstone missile. These first four vehicles followed ballistic, non-orbital trajectories, and the dummy upper stages did not separate from the single powered stage.
Designer Notes
Part count: 649 bricks, 94 lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | 11.3 | 11.3 | 56.0 |
Centimetres | 9.1 | 9.1 | 44.8 |
Inches | 3.6 | 3.6 | 17.6 |
Part count: 649 bricks, 94 lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | 11.3 | 11.3 | 56.0 |
Inches | 3.6 | 3.6 | 17.6 |
Centimetres | 9.1 | 9.1 | 44.8 |
No external URL provided.
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
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