LEGO Designer:
Dan Fallon (phreaddee)
July 2020
External Modules, Payloads, Space Agency - JAXA
The Exposed Facility (EF), also known as “Terrace”, is located outside the port cone of the PM (which is equipped with an airlock). The EF has twelve Exposed Facility Unit (EFU) ports which attach to Payload Interface Unit (PIU) connectors on EF-equipment exchange units (EF-EEUs). All experiment payloads are fully exposed to the space environment. For proper functioning of these experiments, the payload requires an orbital replacement unit (ORU), consisting of the electrical power system (EPS), communications and tracking (CT), and the thermal control system (TCS). Of the twelve ORUs, eight are replaceable by the JEMRMS while the other four are EVA-replaceable.
Part count: bricks, lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | |||
Inches | |||
Centimetres |
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Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de