LEGO Designer:
Dan Fallon (phreaddee)
March 2023
All, Suborbital and Sounding Rockets
First Launched in 1964, the Rubis was a two-stage test vehicle. It was designed to test the upper stage and payload elements of the Diamant orbital launcher. These included fairing jettison, spin-up, release, and ignition of the final stage.
Six launches were used to validate the design and led to the success of the Diamant on its first flight.
The last four launches were made on behalf of CNES to validate payloads for the D1 satellite and carry scientific instruments for the Paris Observatory and Max Planck Institute. It retired in 1967
Part count: bricks, lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
Studs | |||
Inches | |||
Centimetres |
Nr TypeNr Vehicle Serial Date LS Payload
22 1 Rubis R1 10.06.1964 * Ha Bacchus (R&D) 23 2 Rubis R2 12.06.1964 * Ha Bacchus (R&D) 24 3 Rubis R3 12.10.1964 *F Ha Bacchus (R&D) 28 4 Rubis R4 18.12.1964 *F Ha Bacchus (R&D) 32 5 Rubis R5 31.05.1965 * Ha Bacchus A-1 capsule 1 33 6 Rubis R6 03.06.1965 * Ha Bacchus A-1 capsule 2 34 7 Rubis R7 05.06.1965 * Ha Bacchus Rubis 01/D-1 35 8 Rubis R8 30.09.1965 * Ha Bacchus Rubis 02 xx 9 Rubis R9 22.04.1966 * Ha Bacchus Rubis 03/MPE Ba-17 xx 10 Rubis R10 05.07.1967 * Bis Rubis 04 Failures: 3: Stage separation failure 4: Stage separation failure Launch sites: Bis = Centre d'Essais de Landes, Biscarosse, Landes, France Ha = Centre interarmées dessais dengins spéciaux (CIEES), Hammaguir, Algeria F failure P partal Failure
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
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