LEGO Designer:
Dan Fallon (phreaddee)
March 2023
All, Suborbital and Sounding Rockets
Vesta was a French LRBA Nitric acid/Turpentine sounding rocket. In the late 1950’s LRBA (Laboratoire de Recherches Ballistiques et Aerodynamiques) studied several possible configurations for a ‘Super Veronique’ sounding rocket, with engines of 80 to 250 kN to carry a payload of 100 kg up to 600 km altitude. In 1962 CNES ordered the Vesta configuration. Static tests in 1964 led to a modest series of launches in 1965-1969.
Part count: bricks, lots.
Unit | width | length | height |
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Nr TypeNr Vehicle Serial Date LS Payload
66 1 Vesta 01 15.10.1965 * Ha Blandine FU-123 68 2 Vesta 02 25.10.1965 * Ha Blandine FU-123 81 3 Vesta 04 07.03.1967 * Ha Blandine FU-147 Bio (Macaca) 82 4 Vesta 05 13.03.1967 * Ha Blandine FU-147 Bio (Macaca) 92 5 Vesta 06 08.11.1969 * Ko ALFS-V FU-189 Star pointing test Launch sites: Ha = Centre interarmées dessais dengins spéciaux (CIEES), Hammaguir, Algeria Ko = Centre Spatial Guyanais (CSG), Kourou, French Guiana, France
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
Launch History information from space.skyrocket.de
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